| (901) 756-7878 Germantown | (901) 756-6433 Memphis | (901) 620-0678 Fax | (202) 996-7007 Washington D.C. | (901) 756-7878 Text |
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Robbie Chat

Robbie of Burdette Law Ask a question of Robbie. Simply type in your question, then press, or touch, or click the arrow.

Chat with Robbie, our Info-Bot

Robbie is our chat system info-bot. He is equipped to provide you with basic, handy information. The info he will give you is gennerally available on the web.
So think of Robbie as a kind of librarian. If you ask him a question, he will quickly sort through his library and type out an answer for you.

Robbie is certainly not an attorney. His job is to give you basic information in layman's terms, if you are a potential client, or a client who wants a quick answer to a question that has occured to you in the middle of the night, or on a weekend. Robbie will search out and read things that are relevant to your question, then report back to you with an answer very, very rapidly.

Please remember that Robbie is a relatively new 'employee'. He may not have the experience or the information to accurately answer each and every question - but he learns very rapidly. He is also a very literal individual, so keep that in mind when you ask Robbie a question. For example, instead of asking for our address - say specifically - What is the address of your Memphis office? Open ended questions will often generate vague answers.

For most subjects the best way to learn from Robbie is to start with a general question, then follow up with a more specific question. When you have exhausted Robbie's knowledge on a subject, he will tell you that, and refer you to a human being.

If you think there is someting Robbie should know but does not, please tell us. If Robbie behaves erratically, please tell us that too. Click here to tell us about Robbie's behavior, or his shortcomings, or to simply contact a human.

For legal advice you must consult with a licensed attorney. Neither this system nor the people answering our phones can give you valid legal advice, as they are not licensed attorneys. You must schedule an appointment with an attorney who can speak to you about all the various factors involved in your particular case before receiving valid legal advice. For basic questions like what type of legal cases does Burdette law handle, Robbie can answer that and much, much more.

Please remember - Robbie is not an attorney, but he is here to help.

Chat with Marie, a colleague of Robbie's

Marie is here to assist Robbie in case of server hiccups and network congestion. She does not yet know as much as Robbie, but is an extremely quick learner, a very fast typist, and very polite and helpful. She will also give you info that is is gennerally available on the web, but do it extremely rapidly.