The Burdette
Law Firm
Lawyers: Germantown - Memphis, TN.
(901) 756-7878
in Germantown
(901) 756-6433
in Memphis

The Burdette Law Firm
Preparing other documents
for your estate planning

A complete estate plan will involve other documents to cover all possible circumstances if you are incapacitated.

Powers of Attorney

A power of attorney will give a trusted individual the ability to act on your behalf with assets and financial accounts should you become incapacitated.

Living Wills

Allow you to express how you wish to be treated in a variety of medical circumstances.

Health Care Proxy

Sometimes called a health care surrogate or durable medical power of attorney, this document grants a trusted individual the authority to make medical decisions on your behalf should you become unable to do so.

Organ and tissue donation

Make your wishes known with regard to becoming an organ or tissue donor.

Click below to hear an important message about estate planning.

Click below, Do it for Mom.

Watch this video to understand why it's important to have the above documents

More information
After reviewing the services we can offer if you have questions and need our assistance for your estate planning, please call us at (901) 756-7878.

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