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You probably arrived at this page because you care for some people, some family, even some pets or other loved ones. You want to provide for them, to do your best to make sure they are comfortable when you are gone. We can help. We have traveled this road for many clients over many decades. You might say we're experienced. Some have said we're good. What we know is that we'll work to make sure your wishes are carried out in compliance with estate and tax law, that nothing is left to chance.

Named a 3 best estate planning lawyer in Memphis also with a five star rating on Trust Analytics.  A four time recepient of the ten best in Tennessee estate law lawyers in surveys of client satisfaction. Rated 4.9 out of 5.0 by 59 client reviews. Three decades of experience, a successful appeals attorney in Tennessee conservatorship law cases.  A CPA who can correctly analyze your estate assets and finances.

More than just people - watch the video to learn about other family members you'll want to see being cared for.

Don't let someone in your family be sent to a shelter

Pets become very important parts of our life. You want to treat them like family - and you can. Watch the video and see how, then when you're ready click the link below to sign up to get it done - to make your pet a part of your estate plan.

If you want to put this idea into action
Sign up to talk and learn more.

If you go with a living trust - the very most important thing to do is fund it.

Funding your trust.

Living trusts can offer you many advantages - but only if you move your assets into the trust. Please don't overlook this step. If you are thinking of adding an living trust to your estate plan, check with us. We'll be with you all the way through the process, from the first word, to the final step in the funding.

If you want to put this idea into action
Sign up to talk and learn more.

Did your close friend say you need a will or a trust? They may have given you costly advice. Watch and learn more.

Do you really need a will or trust? Maybe not.

There are ways around getting either a will or a trust. And not because you don't have a lot of assets. Talk to an attorney who can show you how your money can become very smart money.

If you want help to make this plan work for you,
sign up to talk and learn more.

If you think a family member might need one or the other...here is the difference.

Let's start with the basics.

If you think that a family member might need a guardianship or a convervatorship, let's start with the basics, and decide which way to go. We've been down this road many times before and will help with all the compassion and caring the situation requires.

For a family member in need,
sign up to talk, learn, decide, and help.

Now it's your turn.

After all mom has done for you...

It may be now, or soon will be time for you to start thinking about taking care of Mom. Do it now, call us, we love talking care of those wonderful people called -- Moms.

If you want to be good to Mom
click to talk to us and get it done.

A will or a trust. What is the difference?

Will versus Trust

Uncle Fred said get a trust? Is he a licensed attorney? No? Then maybe he's a gazillionaire financial expert. No? Then maybe it's time to talk to a licensed attorney who is also a certified public accountant.

If you like Uncle Fred but really think you should get a second opinion,
click to talk to us and get it done.

It may be the most diffcult thing you ever need to do.

Maybe the most difficult thing ever...

The loss of a loved one can leave you in pain for a very, very long time. Then you're expected to settle their affairs. To deal with all their assets and liabilities, and to make your way through a bureaucracy that is very foreign to you. Time to call somebody who has done this before, and someone who has been in your position.

To learn more about probate law, please click here.

We know it hurts, but it's time to click here and get the estate settled.

Will it all just melt away?.

You worked hard for it..

But what will happen to it when the inevitable happens to you. Don't let it go to someone you don't know, or someone you don't care for. Make sure those you care for are remembered. The time to get in touch is now.

Don't let it go to people you don't even know. Click to sign up to
tell people where you want it to go.

Someone you can talk to.

Enough experience to give you good advice.

Work with someone you can relate to, someone who has been around long enough, and who has the education and experience to help you -- not just some hypothetical cookie-cutter plan maker who is ready to sell you a package then send you on your way.

Talk to someone it's easy to work with click here to
talk to one of the best.

An ER Doc can tell you how often this happens.

No one ever expects an emergency

Even if you have figured out everything about wills and trusts or how to sidesteps all that you still may be unprepared if you come face-to-face with a medical emergency. Waiting until an ambulance ride, gasping for breath on the way to the hospital is no solution. The time to get prepared is now.

You know you should have these backstops to express your wishes. Click here to
talk to us.

What does per stirpes mean. What does it change for your grandchildren?

Per stirpes - what is that?

Let's say you have more than one child, and each of your children has children. Then - heaven forbid - something happens to one of your children, but their children survive. That's when you'd better know what per stirpes means.

Talk to some who has considered all possible outcomes, click here to
talk to us.

Your kids go off to college. Do you give up all contol?

Your kids go off to college. They're now adults?

But if something happens to them, are you still in control of things? They're adults, and what you say, what you want, may be ignored - even if you are the parent. Don't let it come to that.

Don't let yourself be placed in a helpless position, click here to
talk to us.

As a single parent, what legal documents do you need?

Single parenting - a lot of responsibility.

You're a single parent. What if something happens to you? A child shouldn't be put in that situation. You need to line up a plan for every eventuality. You owe it to your kids.

Don't leave your children adrift if something happens to you, click here to
talk to us.

You want a trust, you get a will. What's up with that?

You end up with both a will and a trust. What happened?

If you establish a trust, an experienced attorney always gives you a will to go with it. It's called a pour over will, and it's there to tidy up loose ends.

You're confused about this pour over will concept? Then click here to
talk to us.

Don't forget about Mom

She's always cared for you.

Now it's your turn. Time to see what mom's wishes are, and time to construct the legal documents to make sure she is treated the way she should be.

You want to make sure mom is properly cared for? Then click here to
talk to us.

Some of our recognitions -

Best Probate Lawyers in Memphis , 10 Best attorneys in Tennessee , Best Family law lawyers in Memphis , Three best rated estate planning attorneys Memphis Top 10 memphis divorce attorneys , Three best rated attorney business
Named the best probate lawyer in Memphis. Selected as one of the 10 best family law attorneys in Tennessee by a client satisfaction survey polling actual clients. Selected as a best family lawyer in Memphis. One of the three best rated estate planning atorneys in Memphis. Voted a Top 10 divorce attorney in Memphis by Trust Analytics client ratings.

Instant probate answers from Bob of Burdette Law AI -

Click here to ask a probate question of Bob - an AI assistant. He has read TN statue law and the TN probate court manual. He should answer you within 15 to 20 seconds.

A Memphis attorney using AI to explain things and answer your questions, quickly and easily  - Burdette Law

What Clients Say:

As of July, 2023 we were 4.9 of 5 stars for 46 reviews of our Memphis office on Google. - one non-client didn't like the idea of actually paying for service. Many shrug and say - can't win 'em all. But we try to every time.

reviews by clients
Burdette Law Memphis
Reviews – Google

Our Germantown office has a perfect 5.0 / 5.0 record on the Google reviews for their office, which they gleefully lord over our Memphis staff. The Memphians reply - hey! you've only got 13 to our 46!

burdette law attorney germantown
Burdette Law Germantown
Reviews – Google

Other ratings and awards - 10 Best in Tennessee - family law. Expertise Lawyer - Memphis. Top 3 Estate Planning Lawyer in Memphis. Also, admitted to practice - U.S. Supreme Court. That means excellence.

Name a 10 Best Attorneys in Tennessee - Burdette Law
Burdette Law
Tennessee – Other recognition.

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A Memphis attorney using AI to explain things and answer your questions, quickly and easily  - Burdette Law

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Click here to ask a question of Robbie - our AI Chat tool. Answers within 15 seconds.

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Click the link below to go to our appointment menu on our secure portal. You can schedule a Zoom or a FaceTime or a teleconference from your choice of the available times and dates..
