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You have been directed to this page because you are contemplating a sudden change in the custody or visitation or parenting plan arranged by your attorney and approved by the court. Almost reflexively, our general advice is - settle down, think about it. You could cause more problems than you might solve. Please scroll down to read more.

Founding attorney Burdette explains a bit about why our office operations have evolved to new means and methods and how that change can benefit you.

Keeping up with the advances in technology means you can now basically conduct your entire divorce from the safety of you home. Documents are exchanged through our secure portal, and all communications are via email, text, or Zoom sessions. It saves time and money, and makes you safer.

Sudden changes in custody plans.

One of the most challenging aspects of divorce is determining the custody and visitation arrangements for the children. In Tennessee, the court will order a custody and visitation schedule that is based on the best interest of the child, taking into account various factors such as the relationship between each parent and the child, the ability and willingness of each parent to facilitate and encourage a close and continuing parent-child relationship, the emotional and developmental needs of the child, and the moral, physical, mental and emotional fitness of each parent.

However, there may be situations where a custodial parent has valid reasons to refuse to send their child to court-ordered visitation with the other parent. The only exception for denying a non-custodial parent court-ordered visitation in Tennessee is if a parent has a legitimate reason to believe their child’s physical and emotional health is in imminent danger . For example, if a parent has evidence or suspicion that their child is being physically, emotionally, or sexually abused by the other parent or someone in their household, they should not send their child for visitation until they seek legal help to modify or terminate the visitation order . Another possible reason to refuse visitation is if the other parent has a substance abuse problem that may impair their judgment or endanger the child.

Refusing to send a child for court-ordered visitation is a serious matter that should not be done lightly or without sufficient grounds. A parent who denies visitation without a valid reason may face legal consequences such as contempt of court, fines, loss of custody, or criminal charges . Therefore, it is important to consult with an experienced family law attorney before taking any action that may violate a court order. A lawyer can help you gather evidence, file a motion to modify or terminate visitation, request an emergency hearing, or seek other remedies to protect your child’s best interest.

In summary if you have fears for your child's safety we need to spend time to fully document your fears with photos and third party evidence. No court will be swayed by a story that sounds something like - I woke up on Friday morning and saw a post on Facebook that makes my ex look like a jerk. It may be true, but we will need to build a case showing pattern of behavior and how, exactly, that behavior will put your child in physical or emotional danger. This may require expert medical opinions and other evidence that does take time to gather. So we advise clients to generally plan their moves at least a month or more in advance in these types of situations.

Some of our recognitions -

Best Probate Lawyers in Memphis , 10 Best attorneys in Tennessee , Best Family law lawyers in Memphis , Three best rated estate planning attorneys Memphis Top 10 memphis divorce attorneys , Three best rated attorney business
Named the best probate lawyer in Memphis. Selected as one of the 10 best family law attorneys in Tennessee by a client satisfaction survey polling actual clients. Selected as a best family lawyer in Memphis. One of the three best rated estate planning atorneys in Memphis. Voted a Top 10 divorce attorney in Memphis by Trust Analytics client ratings.

What Clients Say:

As of July, 2023 we were 4.9 of 5 stars for 46 reviews of our Memphis office on Google. - one non-client didn't like the idea of actually paying for service. Many shrug and say - can't win 'em all. But we try to every time.

reviews by clients
Burdette Law Memphis
Reviews – Google

Our Germantown office has a perfect 5.0 / 5.0 record on the Google reviews for their office, which they gleefully lord over our Memphis staff. The Memphians reply - hey! you've only got 13 to our 46!

burdette law attorney germantown
Burdette Law Germantown
Reviews – Google

Other ratings and awards - 10 Best in Tennessee - family law. Expertise Lawyer - Memphis. Top 3 Estate Planning Lawyer in Memphis. Also, admitted to practice - U.S. Supreme Court. That means excellence.

Name a 10 Best Attorneys in Tennessee - Burdette Law
Burdette Law
Tennessee – Other recognition.

Instant answers - right here - anytime.

A Memphis attorney using AI to explain things and answer your questions, quickly and easily  - Burdette Law

Let's say it's midnight. As you're falling off to sleep you remember a legal term - somebody mentioned QDRO or quadro. What is that? Open your smart phone. Ask our Robbie. He'll give you a 2 or 3 paragrph answer in 30 seconds. It might have taken you 30 minutes to an hour using a search engine. Now, get some rest, knowing we're here, we have your back, we can explain things anytime - day or night.

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Click the link: Item 2 = send email. Item 4 = send documents. Item 5 = text or call for divorce, probate, or tax matters.

Podcasts - to talk you through a family problem

Named Top Probate  Attorney in Memphis - Burdette Law

They are quick audio tracks that can talk you through or explain many problems and legal concepts. You can listen privately on your phone earbuds, wherever you happen to be.

Offering you video answer sessions

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Learn more, anytime, from anywhere - select a playlist on Divorce - Estate or Tax Law. All our videos are short and to-the-point, so you can get to the meat of any concept in a rapid fashion, then move on to the next video idea when you wish.

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A Memphis attorney using AI to explain things and answer your questions, quickly and easily  - Burdette Law

Click here to explore our entire site, to link into our secure client portal and much more

See our main divorce information page -

A Memphis attorney using AI to explain things and answer your questions, quickly and easily  - Burdette Law

Click here to visit our main divorce page with links to all day instant divorce information, web pages, videos, and podcasts and more

Saving you time and hassles with our Secure Portal Connection

secure server client portal - Burdette Law

Send messages. Exchange and store your documents electronically. It is your own private case file with dual factor credential verification and encrypted data tunnels. Think of it as your personal guarded bank vault that only you can access - anytime, from anywhere you are.

Schedule an appointment online, any time, from wherever you are.

secure email and document exchange portal - Burdette Law

Click the link below to go to our appointment menu on our secure portal. You can schedule a Zoom or a FaceTime or a teleconference from your choice of the available times and dates..