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You have been directed to this page because you are in the process of a divorce and you are considering speaking to your spouse about some subject. That idea can sometimes really help, at other times it can be disasterous. You could cause more problems than you might solve. Please scroll down to read more.

Founding attorney Burdette explains a bit about why our office operations have evolved to new means and methods and how that change can benefit you.

Keeping up with the advances in technology means you can now basically conduct your entire divorce from the safety of you home. Documents are exchanged through our secure portal, and all communications are via email, text, or Zoom sessions. It saves time and money, and makes you safer.

An uncontested divorce costs less. But will your divorce truly be uncontested? Click twice on the play button above to watch the video about an uncontested divorce.

What if you are served with 'divorce papers'. What happens then? An experienced Tennessee divorce attorney has some ideas for you. Click twice to play the video.

Speaking to your spouse during a divorce.

Communication is a vital aspect of any relationship, but it can become especially challenging during a divorce. Divorce can bring up a lot of emotions, such as anger, resentment, guilt, and sadness, that can interfere with effective communication. However, there are some benefits to maintaining a respectful and civil dialogue with your spouse during a divorce, as well as some risks to avoid.

One of the benefits of communicating with your spouse during a divorce is that it can facilitate the process of reaching an agreement on important issues, such as property division, alimony, child support, and custody. In Tennessee, divorcing couples are encouraged to use mediation as an alternative dispute resolution method to resolve their differences without going to court. Mediation is a voluntary and confidential process where a neutral third party, the mediator, helps the parties communicate and negotiate in a constructive way. Mediation can save time, money, and stress for both parties and their children.

Another benefit of communicating with your spouse during a divorce is that it can help preserve a positive relationship for the sake of the children. Research has shown that children's well-being after a divorce depends largely on how well their parents cooperate and co-parent. Children need to feel loved and supported by both parents, and they need to see their parents respect each other and communicate effectively. By communicating with your spouse during a divorce, you can model healthy coping skills and conflict resolution strategies for your children and reduce their exposure to parental conflict.

However, communicating with your spouse during a divorce also has some potential risks that you need to be aware of and avoid. One of the risks is that you may say or do something that can be used against you in court or in negotiations. For example, if you admit fault for the breakdown of the marriage, apologize for something you did not do, or make promises that you cannot keep, you may compromise your legal position or weaken your bargaining power. Therefore, you should be careful about what you say and how you say it, and consult with your attorney before making any decisions or agreements.

Another risk of communicating with your spouse during a divorce is that you may get emotionally triggered or manipulated by your spouse. If your spouse is abusive, controlling, or dishonest, they may use communication as a way to hurt you, intimidate you, or deceive you. They may also try to persuade you to reconcile or to give up your rights or interests. In such cases, you should limit or avoid direct communication with your spouse and use a third party, such as your attorney or a mediator, as an intermediary. You should also seek professional help if you need emotional support or guidance.

In conclusion, communication with your spouse during a divorce can have both advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation and the nature of the relationship. You should weigh the pros and cons carefully and decide what is best for you and your children.

You should also seek legal advice and follow the rules and regulations of Tennessee regarding divorce communication. Above all, it is very important to remember that you should never violate the attorney - client privilege by revealing your conversations with your attorney to your spouse or anyone else.

Some of our recognitions -

Best Probate Lawyers in Memphis , 10 Best attorneys in Tennessee , Best Family law lawyers in Memphis , Three best rated estate planning attorneys Memphis Top 10 memphis divorce attorneys , Three best rated attorney business
Named the best probate lawyer in Memphis. Selected as one of the 10 best family law attorneys in Tennessee by a client satisfaction survey polling actual clients. Selected as a best family lawyer in Memphis. One of the three best rated estate planning atorneys in Memphis. Voted a Top 10 divorce attorney in Memphis by Trust Analytics client ratings.

What Clients Say:

As of July, 2023 we were 4.9 of 5 stars for 46 reviews of our Memphis office on Google. - one non-client didn't like the idea of actually paying for service. Many shrug and say - can't win 'em all. But we try to every time.

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Our Germantown office has a perfect 5.0 / 5.0 record on the Google reviews for their office, which they gleefully lord over our Memphis staff. The Memphians reply - hey! you've only got 13 to our 46!

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Burdette Law Germantown
Reviews – Google

Other ratings and awards - 10 Best in Tennessee - family law. Expertise Lawyer - Memphis. Top 3 Estate Planning Lawyer in Memphis. Also, admitted to practice - U.S. Supreme Court. That means excellence.

Name a 10 Best Attorneys in Tennessee - Burdette Law
Burdette Law
Tennessee – Other recognition.

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