| (901) 756-7878 Germantown | (901) 756-6433 Memphis | (901) 620-0678 Fax | (202) 996-7007 Washington D.C. | (901) 756-7878 Text |
Languages German language spoken at this firm American english spoken at this firm
Returning documents: Why are files attached to email blocked? Simple. To protect yours and others' data and private information. About 9 in 10 computer malware 'bugs' are introduced by email attachments. We limit risk by blocking attachments to normal email. Please send documents via the methods below. Then they arrive, are scanned for malware, then kept in a 'sandbox' which does not allow any execution of commands. Simply put, a 'bug' that cannot execute also can't go collecting data, then phoning home to North Korea.This level of security is consistent with our 'bank vault' view of the standards we want for our client portal.

Named a 3 best estate planning lawyer in Memphis also with a five star rating on Trust Analytics.  A four time recepient of the ten best in Tennessee estate law lawyers in surveys of client satisfaction. Rated 4.9 out of 5.0 by 59 client reviews. Three decades of experience, a successful appeals attorney in Tennessee conservatorship law cases.  A CPA who can correctly analyze your estate assets and finances.

1 A - On your desktop computer or laptop computer or larger tablet click the PORTAL button on the upper right.

Step 1 A.

Enter our client portal using your computer.

If you do not see the portal menu link please:

Click this link to enter the portal

1 B If you are using your phone or small screen device scroll down the home or index page to find the lighted padlock, and touch the screen there.

--OR-- Step 1 B.

Enter our secure portal using your phone or a size compressed web browser on any device.

With your phone, go to the main page, or most other pages, then scroll down the page until you see the lighted padlock to enter the secure server.

If you still do not see the portal menu link please:

Click this link to enter the portal

There is a small chance some phones or other devices may not display this menu as it does in Google Chrome. Don't worry, there is a substitute path described in the alternate plan B path method described below.

Step 2.

Enter the send documents section of the portal on most devices - desktop, laptops, tablets and phones.

Once you enter the portal you'll see a number of red rectangles running down the center of the page. Move down to item 4 that reads: "Easily Exchange Documents..." Then click that menu button.

Dual factor ID - two credentials for higher security..

Step 3

At some point you might need to login

If you have never before used the portal, you will be asked for credentials. The quick way to do it is to enter your email address ( example: me@mail.com ) then a code will automatically be sent to the cell number you used when you first contacted us. If you are trying to use a different email or phone number the system will think you are a different person, so please use the info you provided when you first contacted us. This method is almost exactly the same as most online banking accounts, and many online retailers - so if you do online banking or shopping, this should be easy.

Once you have used the portal, it is probable that your web browser will store your credentails so you will instantly login.

Click the field with the paper clip to open the file system on your machine. The file display window will vary depending on if you are using a desktop - laptop computer - or - a tablet - phone type operating system.

Step 4

Selecting the file you wish to send.

After you have selected the - send files - menu and logged in, you will, on most machines and browsers, see a screen with a paper clip on the top left field. Click or touch the clip field and your machine will open its file list so you can select the file you want to send. It's always helpful if you include your document title and any message you may wish. On some machine browser combinations you may see a different screen. Check the alternative path method below.

Remember, when you click the paperclip field a window displaying your files will open on desktop - laptop computers. If you are on a phone or table, you may need to use an app like the Apple Files app or use the Choose File menu to see the desired file.

Click on your file to return it to the portal..

Step 5

Click or touch the desired file or files.

Once the paperclip field has opened your file explorer or file finder, your next step is to locate the pdf or other document on your computer and click it or touch it to send that file back to our portal. Once that is done, you will see the file name highlighted in the paperclip field. Enter a document title and a message, then click the blue bar that read - send - at the bottom of the page.

If your machine - browser combination has taken you on an alternate path - skip to the alertnate method listed below.

The blue whale says you're Brilliant!

Step 6

Confirmation! You've done it!

When you see the screen with that blue whale pop up, that means you've done it, your file has reached the portal.

If, at any time, you want to see exactly what all you have sent to the portal, and what has been sent to you
click this link to open a pdf instruction file on how to see your entire file on the portal. The route described in the linked pdf above is also roughly the same as the - my account - to three dots bubble icon - path or method used in the Path C section below.

Phone login path. An easy way to log in with your phone is to use Step 1 B above, which is -- Scroll down the page on your phone until you see the lighted padlock and the button that reads Click -- documents --

Alternate Path B

Designed for use on phones used in portrait mode.

If you are using a phone in portrait mode with many browsers you may see this screen when starting to log in the portal. The three horizontal bars to the left will give you the same menu items as on the desktop - laptop - tablet page. The login to the right will generally take you to the login screen per step 3 above and ask for your credentials.

Please note: If - while using your phone - you go to our main or many other of our pages while using your phone -- and -- you hold your phone in landscape mode, or sideways, your browser, phone combination will likely display screens very much like Step 1 A described above for desktop, laptop computers.

My account - Alternate path C.

Path C

Using the "MY ACCOUNT" button.

On some machine types - browser combinations, you may first see the red button that reads - my account. This is an alternate path, mostly for phones and tablets, that will take you directly to the black and white menu you see below in the 'what's new' section.

If you do not see the MY ACCOUNT button and want to use this method,

Want to see everything in your file on the portal? Click the button called out by the arrow on the right. It's the one that looks like a cartoon caption bubble with three dots inside.

Path C

What's new and different when you click the MY ACCOUNT button?

Actually, you will see many of the same items you saw in the other menu - but in a smaller black and white presentation. Save for -- one thing. See that arrow on the right pointing to the three horizontal dots? Clicking that button puts you inside your file on the portal. You can see everything you have sent in, and everything that has been sent to you. We like to think of it as having your own safety deposit box that you can open 24 hours a day. The arrow on the left points to the three horizontal bars that lead to the drop down menu as typically used in cell phone web page layouts.

For more information about fillable pdf files, meeting methods and document exchange,
Please see this link.

Remember - there are other ways of returning your document

- but they involve paper, ink, scanners, printers and the like. If this paperless info exchange becomes too tedious for you, you may always print and fax documents to us (but fax image quality is generally not up to court standards.) The US post office is always an option for printed pages, but slow and sometimes troublesome. Also, you can drop off the document at our Ridgeway office, open most business days from 9 to 4 - 5865 Ridgeway Center Pkwy, third floor, Memphis, TN 38120.

One more method.

If you can fill out a pdf on your phone, or can scan in to your phone, or have a computer or tablet capable of sending MMS text messages (like sending a picture with a text ) then send this sort of a MMS text to (901) 756-7878. Let us know you've done so by sending a message to our portal. Thanks.

For other information

on other sorts of documents, signatures and fillable forms. Please see this link.

If things sink in better when they're in video format with a voice narration, please try the video above.

Some of our recognitions -

Best Probate Lawyers in Memphis , 10 Best attorneys in Tennessee , Best Family law lawyers in Memphis , Three best rated estate planning attorneys Memphis Top 10 memphis divorce attorneys , Three best rated attorney business
Named the best probate lawyer in Memphis. Selected as one of the 10 best family law attorneys in Tennessee by a client satisfaction survey polling actual clients. Selected as a best family lawyer in Memphis. One of the three best rated estate planning atorneys in Memphis. Voted a Top 10 divorce attorney in Memphis by Trust Analytics client ratings.

Instant probate answers from Bob of Burdette Law AI -

Click here to ask a probate question of Bob - an AI assistant. He has read TN statue law and the TN probate court manual. He should answer you within 15 to 20 seconds.

A Memphis attorney using AI to explain things and answer your questions, quickly and easily  - Burdette Law

What Clients Say:

As of July, 2023 we were 4.9 of 5 stars for 46 reviews of our Memphis office on Google. - one non-client didn't like the idea of actually paying for service. Many shrug and say - can't win 'em all. But we try to every time.

reviews by clients
Burdette Law Memphis
Reviews – Google

Our Germantown office has a perfect 5.0 / 5.0 record on the Google reviews for their office, which they gleefully lord over our Memphis staff. The Memphians reply - hey! you've only got 13 to our 46!

burdette law attorney germantown
Burdette Law Germantown
Reviews – Google

Other ratings and awards - 10 Best in Tennessee - family law. Expertise Lawyer - Memphis. Top 3 Estate Planning Lawyer in Memphis. Also, admitted to practice - U.S. Supreme Court. That means excellence.

Name a 10 Best Attorneys in Tennessee - Burdette Law
Burdette Law
Tennessee – Other recognition.

Send secure, private email, text, and documents

secure email and document exchange portal - Burdette Law

Click the link: Item 2 = send email. Item 4 = send documents. Item 5 = text or call for divorce, probate, or tax matters.

Move back to our main page -

A Memphis attorney using AI to explain things and answer your questions, quickly and easily  - Burdette Law

Click here to explore our entire site, to link into our secure client portal and much more

Saving you time and hassles with our Secure Portal Connection

secure server client portal - Burdette Law

Send messages. Exchange and store your documents electronically. It is your own private case file with dual factor credential verification and encrypted data tunnels. Think of it as your personal guarded bank vault that only you can access - anytime, from anywhere you are.

Instant legal answers from Robbie AI -

Click here to ask a question of Robbie - our AI Chat tool. Answers within 15 seconds.

Schedule an appointment online, any time, from wherever you are.

secure email and document exchange portal - Burdette Law

Click the link below to go to our appointment menu on our secure portal. You can schedule a Zoom or a FaceTime or a teleconference from your choice of the available times and dates..
